FIWG Meeting, 2018-Nov-14


  1. Review and approval of minutes
  2. Ballots and Canonical Versioning: review document requirements, discussion of options
  3. Wiki Management: review/approve circulated requirements, discussion of options including SharePoint discussion from Gordon
  4. Website Management: test site construction; Amazon VMs; standards for publication

1. Review and approval of minutes

Minutes were approved, although as Dimitris noticed there was no process for circulating “unapproved” minutes. We discussed about how to handle approval of minutes because we currently post the minutes in the public IWG mailing list. It was suggested that:

  1. we write the draft minutes on the wiki
  2. Send the wiki link of the draft minutes to the IWG list
  3. Collect any possible ammendements
  4. Once approved on the next meeting, publish the minutes to the IWG mailing list.

2. Ballots and Canonical Versioning: review document requirements, discussion of option

We agreed to add the list of document requirements on the wiki and add a column to decide about “must have”, “nice to have” features for these documents. Jos volunteered to collect the requirements that were sent to the mailing list and create a table on the wiki. Depending on what the WG derermines as “must have”, we can check how close we can get with Markdown and see if this will be a solution going forward

Jos asked if page numbering was considered crucial and participants on the call said no, because all references point to specific sections and not to page numbers.

We agreed to run some tests with conversions (pandoc and other tools, including the current PDF that is generated from the CI tools on GitHub) and see how close we can get and what's missing.

3. Wiki Management: review/approve circulated requirements, discussion of options including !SharePoint discussion from Gordon

A question was raised about how much space the wiki uses. We currently don't delete attachments. Must ask Daymion/Travis. Wayne originally considered storing recordings in the server.

Dimitris wants to bring forward this issue for meeting recordings and video storage policy to the CA/B Forum in the following months. We currently have an unwritten rule that meeting recordings will be retained until the official minutes are published. After that, they would need to be deleted. We need to map wiki requirements to wiki solutions Gordon presented sharepoint and office365. Overall sharepoint looks great. It supports sites and different authorization rules for each site/sub-site (i.e. Working Groups/Subcommittees). There were some questions/concerns raised: Wayne: how is navigation configured? Gordon: Each site has its own navigation but we need to do some research for automatic addition to the side bar There must be some way to easily automate links. Microsoft Flow does some automation. Possibility to add other applications like surveyMonkey, tasks, etc. Managing Users. Each user costs 9$/month unless they are invited as “external” users which have some limited funtionality. Need to pilot this and see if these limited features are acceptable for wiki users. It was noted that we have limited time to pilot and we spend too much time piloting every possible solutions.

How to import existing content to sharepoint site-to-site migrations?

How easy is it to Import/export wiki content so it can migrate to other wiki solutions?

Does Microsoft flow support this?

4. Website Management: test site construction; Amazon VMs; standards for publication

No time to discuss. Scheduled for next meeting.

  • fiwg/fiwg-meeting3.txt
  • Last modified: 6 years ago
  • (external edit)