FIWG Meeting, 2019-Feb-06

1. Anti-trust statement

2. Wiki progress

3. Website management and publication

4. Document management

Attendees: Jos Purvis, Ben Wilson, Daymion Reynolds, Gordon Bock, Wayne Thayer, Ryan Sleevi

1. Wiki Management Jos said that Dimitris had asked cloud providers if they could donate hosting. Microsoft can't because we're not a recognized non-profit. Still waiting for an answer from Amazon and Google. Jos will ask his management if we can piggyback on Cisco's AWS account, at least temporarily.

Jos said that the test instance of DocuWiki is up and everyone should have received a login. Jos asked for feedback. Jos tried to “import” the front page from moinmoin via cut & paste and the results weren't too bad. Doesn't seem like a lot of work to migrate content this way. The wiki markup isn't too dissimilar.

Jos said he did find a tool that will do the conversion, but both wikis would need to be running on the same server. Daymion said that he could provide a copy of the files to Jos and then Jos will try the conversion. Daymion will upload the files to the test DocuWiki server

Jos asked everyone to create a few pages in the DocuWiki test site and provide feedback by the next meeting.

Ben asked about camelCase handling and Jos said there may be a DocuWiki setting for that.

2. Migrating WoedPress Site Daymion said that everyone should have accounts for the test site that was set up. Existing production accounts will work on the test site.

Ben said it looks good. Daymion said that there is only one set of sftp credentials, but he can give them to anyone who needs them.

Daymion asked if we want to move to the new WordPress site now or wait for the new wiki to become available. It was agreed that we should go ahead with the WordPress migration. This requires a redirect from to We agreed to go ahead with that change.

3. Publication of Ballot Results, Minutes, Etc. to the Website Jos said that he is concerned about the website because he hasn't had time to keep it up to date recently.

Wayne said that there is a good process now for getting ballots posted that he has been following.

Ben said that minutes are not getting posted. Wayne suggested that Dimitris could do this. Ben and Jos said they could do it as well, but just need a nudge. Ben will email Dimitris on the process. Ben will also go ahead and publish all the minutes that are currently missing from the website.

4. Document Management Jos said that Wayne published document describing 'how to create a redline on GitHub' to the wiki. This puts us closer to using GitHub as the canonical version of guidelines, but we still need to decide on a way to produce a clean PDF. For next time, Jos asked everyone to review the PDF that was produced and identify problems that need to be resolved if it were to replace the existing PDFs created from the master Word doc.

Wayne asked about creating pull requests to cabforum/master from redlines in GitHub. Ryan explained that there is a way to do this as an admin of the cabforum/documents repository. Ryan said that minor changes like version numbers can also be made as part of the pull request's review process. Wayne will try this on the next ballot and write instructions for it.

Jos called an end to the meeting.

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